Laguna Row report
Crews assembled by 6:00am and finally embarked at 6:30am. The river was quiet with few lillies and no traffic. Dolphin led the way with Hugo (S), James Joe and Colin (B) rowing and Chris Sarjelijo coxing. Jaco Soler very kindly btought two launches to accompany us and transport te spectators. Closely following were Russel Dean and Benny Rodoy in a double and they soon overtook dolphin and headed straight for the lighthouse. Unbeknown to the dolphin crew, Captian colin was taking them to visit the Philippine Canie & Kayak federation for breakfast. this ws announced as Dolphin entered Laguna Lake to gether with the admittnce that he did not really know where they were except for 'in the Marikina Channel. Cox Chris tried to find the entrance tot e channel but the weed build up made it almost impossible and after some 3 hours of rowing the team decided enough was enough and they went to rensdezvous with Jaco at the lighthose and transfer to the launch for a tow home as the sun was now high. Benny & Russel sensibly went straight home after a rest on the lighthouse completing their 19 mile round trip. Dolphin managed a respectable 11 miles. A repeat expedition is planned for March.