

Finally we manage to get the finances level and remove anymore suprises which would have a bad effect on the accounts. Unfortunately these measures included dismissing some members who failed to pay theier accounts for a very long time and seeking recompense through the legal system. Regatta participation internationally continued and we look forward to hosting the ARAE-FEARA regatta of 2012, to be held in January 2013. Renovation of the Club accelerated with re-wiring, re-painting, continued cleaning, installtion of air-con in the office, replacement of rotten wood works, etc.


Annual General Meeting (AGM), Club Night and Open Day will take place on Sunday 31st January. Further details will be published shortly. Contact info [at] manilaboatclub [dot] com for any requests, questions etc.


After 3 years, we re-instated the Laguna Row, which took place on 28 March 2009.


In April 2006 we restarted the Laguna Row. This was largely possible due to great organization efforts and generosity of Monchet Olives, Vice Boat Captain 2006, and he was the Boat Captain in 2007. It was a great fun event of light fours, light pairs, double sculls and a single scull participating. 


In 2005, we had a regatta, MBC Open Regatta, in September. University students and MBC members plus some guests participated in this event. Races were held in 2,000m, 1,000m, and 500m categories, of light fours, heavy fours, and light pairs. 

2004 and before ......

MBC had no events for quite a period... after the Asian Crisis in 1997, membership collapsed and the Club fell into neglect. Throught the efforts of a few, revival commenced but the legacy of unpaid taxes, failure to register accounts with the SEC, etc made it very hard and nearly destroyed the Club. Anyway, we had few fun events while recovering from the downfall.